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  • #23782
    Anne Hartman

    Legal Notice
    Notice of Adoption
    Village of Scottsville
    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Scottsville, Monroe County, New York, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 14th day of May 2024, duly adopted a resolution subject to a permissive referendum as follows: to approve prepayment to Hynes Concrete Contractor Inc. in an amount not to exceed $370,000 for the replacement of concrete roadside gutters and sidewalks along Diana Drive & Heather Lane using a combination of available funds from any of the following Village funding sources – Community Development Block Grant, Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Programs (CHIPS, PaveNY, ERW and POP), Reserve Funds in and amount not to exceed $50,000 subject to a permissive referendum and/or Unappropriated Fund Balance conditioned upon Hynes providing sufficient documentation to the Village that the work has been completed.
    This resolution is subject to permissive referendum.
    Legal Notice
    Notice of Adoption
    Village of Scottsville

    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Scottsville, Monroe County, New York, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 14th day of May 2024, duly adopted a resolution subject to a permissive referendum as follows: to authorize and direct the Treasurer to make the necessary 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 budget modifications to Hynes Concrete Contractor Inc. for the replacement of concrete roadside gutters and sidewalks along Diana Drive & Heather Lane in the same amount not to exceed $370,000 using a combination of available funds from any of the following Village funding sources – Community Development Block Grant, Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Programs (CHIPS, PaveNY, ERW and POP), Reserve Funds in and amount not to exceed $50,000 subject to a permissive referendum and/or Unappropriated Fund Balance as directed by the Board.
    This resolution is subject to permissive referendum.

    By order of the Village Board
    Anne Hartman, Village Clerk
    May 14, 2024

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