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  • #23156
    Anne Hartman


    A General Election of the Village of Scottsville will be held on March 19, 2024 between the hours of Noon and 9:00 P.M. To be elected are the following:

    Trustee (1) 4 Years
    Trustee (1) 4 Years

    The Wheatland Municipal Building, Senior Center, 22 Main Street, Scottsville New York 14546, has been designated as the polling place for the election.

    The first date upon which an individual may sign an independent nominating petition is January 2, 2024.

    Independent nominating petitions must be filed with the Monroe County Board of Elections –
    First day to file is February 6, 2024.
    Last day to file is February 16, 2024.

    Registration with the Monroe County Board of Elections automatically qualifies residents for the Village Election. SPECIAL NOTE: There will be no Registration Day in the Village. A voter registration form must be received by the Monroe County Board of Elections no later than March 8, 2024. Applications for absentee ballots are available from the Monroe County Board of Elections. “A voter is eligible for an absentee ballot in the Village election if they are required to be absent from the County on that day because of duties, occupation, business or vacation or if they will be confined by illness either temporary or permanent.”

    The last day for the Monroe County Board of Elections to receive an application for an absentee ballot to be mailed is March 12, 2024. The Board of Elections can receive personal applications for absentee ballots up to March 18, 2024.

    Registration forms – mail in
    Applications for absentee ballots – mail in
    Nominating Petitions – are available at:
    Monroe County Board of Election
    39 West Main Street
    Rochester NY 14614

    Questions regarding the election should be directed to the
    Monroe County Board of Elections at 753-1550.

    Anne Hartman
    Village Clerk
    November 3, 2023

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