Pat and Rose Reynolds are shown at the reception for the Livingston County Office of the Aging. They were named Lima Senior Citizens of the Year. Photo by Mike Falk

Weather report from Lima… it’s been recently raining awards on that town’s Reynolds family, longtime owners and purveyors of the American Hotel. Where do we start? How ‘bout we defer to chronological order.

When we wrote our “Lovin’ Lima” series back in 2020, we had a 9-week spot on Pat and Rose Reynolds and the long and illustrious Reynolds family ownership of that venerable yellow building that stands on the corner of Routes 5 & 20 and 15A at the intersection of what was once billed as the Crossroads of Western New York.

We did not take the word “long” lightly when we used it in that previous paragraph, and neither did the Livingston County Chamber of Commerce. Earlier this year, that organization issued a Certificate of Commendation which regaled the Reynolds for being in business for 103 years!

Next, we’ll move forward to Saturday May 6th, when Pat and Rose found themselves at the Willow Creek Venue in Lakeville for a reception hosted by the Livingston County Office of the Aging. The purpose for the reception was “Celebrating a Lifetime of Community Service and Good Citizenship.”

To that end, each of the 17 towns in Livingston County had chosen representatives to be their senior citizen(s) of the year and Lima Town Supervisor Mike Falk had headed a committee which chose Pat and Rose to be Lima’s recipients for 2023. The MC of the reception was Livingston County Administrator Ian Coyle and other dignitaries on hand included Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes, Senator Pamela Helming, Chairman of the Livingston County Board of Supervisors David L. LeFeber, and Director of the Livingston County Office of the Aging Sue Carlock.

By virtue of winning this award, Pat and Rose will be further honored by appearing in the Lima Memorial Day Parade on May 29 at 9:30 am. If you’re a Lima resident, please get out and wave to the Reynolds as they pass by.

Our final component of recognition in this realm of honoring the Reynolds comes from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This past weekend on May 13, Pat Reynolds and his brother Tom were part of an Honor Flight that headed to Washington DC to be recognized for their military service.

They flew from Rochester to Baltimore on Saturday morning where 3 busloads of veterans departed for the nation’s capital to be honored at a Sunday ceremony. Pat’s military service was with the Navy while Tom served in the Army. Tom Reynolds is a decorated Vietnam Vet, and a Purple Heart and Silver Star recipient.

The Sentinel would like to salute Pat, Rose and Tom Reynolds for all of this recent recognition and thank them for their lifetime contributions to our community.

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