Third-graders in Erin Ayer’s class at T. J. Connor Elementary try out the Vuzix Blade AR Smart Glasses during the Career Day. Submitted photo
Guest presenters from a variety of career fields helped to make the second annual T. J. Connor Elementary School Career Day a huge success.
Presenters included engineers, a flight instructor, an Army National Guard, a human resources director, a realtor, a beekeeper, an equine therapist, a Monroe County Probation Officer, an energy analyst, a metal fabricator, a mental health therapist, a medical records tech, The Strong Museum of Play, Dir. of Education, an EMT, a registered nurse, Wheatland-Chili Career and Technical Education WEMOCO bakery and welding students, a Monroe County Sheriff’s Deputy, a K-9 officer and his Deputy, and more.
Career Day is an opportunity for Kindergarten to fifth-grade students at Wheatland-Chili CSD to learn about different careers and the education and training required to obtain those positions. Career Day helps students learn about career options so they can start to set goals for themselves.
Wheatland-Chili K-12 Assistant Principal Danielle Hoch together with Math Interventionist Siobhan Hough; School Psychologist Dalit Spindel; Fourth Grade Teacher Patty Bruno; Fourth Grade Teacher Maggie Spuhler; Kindergarten Teacher Donna Gronemeyer; Kindergarten Teacher Beth Meeker; and Susan Merriam all helped with the planning of the day and the recruitment of the volunteer presenters. The Wheatland-Chili Federation of Teachers (WCFT) gave each presenter a keepsake water bottle.
“We thank our presenters and community members for sharing their time and expertise as Career Day would not be possible without them,” said K-12 Assistant Principal Danielle Hoch. “ T. J. Connor students learned invaluable lessons and we look forward to doing it again next year.”