The Honeoye Falls-Lima High School Drama Club presents Thornton Wilder’s classic play Our Town this weekend at the high school auditorium, 83 East Street.

The 1938 three-act play tells the story of the fictional American small town of Grover’s Corners between 1901-1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens, but it really tells audiences the story of every town the whole world over from the mundane of Daily Life (Act 1) to the romantic (Act II) to devastating sorrow (Act III). Through the young lovers George Gibbs and Emily Webb, their parents and siblings and other citizens of Grover’s Corners, Wilder delivers universal truths about what it means to be human.

The production will be Friday, November 10 and Saturday, November 11 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5.

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