In the photo above, these siblings give their Halloween Boo a thumbs up with their big smiles. Photo by Amber Marie
Honeoye Falls-Lima resident Jessica Miron created a hit with the Halloween Boo event.
Miron began the event early in the month by posting on Facebook about the “Boo Your Neighbor” event.

These sisters show off their Halloween “Boo” treasures that were dropped off at their house during the Halloween Boo event. Photo by Emily Rosmus Grethel
With COVID going on, she realized that parents were going to have to get creative and provide safe ways to trick or treat, especially for those kids who have underlying conditions that would be impacted greatly if they caught COVID. She put up a signup sheet for both “Boo’ers and Boo’ees on the community Facebook page and within 48 hours had amassed 120 families and over 140 children to surprise.
Sign-ups ended on October 11 so that she could have time to sort out if she needed more “Boo’ers” and to match up each Boo’er to a Boo’ee.
Sometimes called “Ghosting” or “the Phantom”, the Halloween Boo is an Autumn take on “Secret Santa” or May Baskets.
If the three photos with this article are any indication, the event has delighted everyone. The three photos pictured here are just some of the families who have been “Boo’ed” so far. This is a safe way to celebrate Halloween and the fun will continue up through Halloween this week.

A little girl looks at all the gifts that were packed in her family’s Halloween Boo along with her little sibling. Photo by Lacey Fox-Smith