HF-M Rotary inducted new members and welcomed the District Governor to its July 12 meeting. From left to right are inductee Doug Sarkis, President Amy Harris, District Governor Julie Carney, inductee Ken Gravenstede and inductee Brandon King. Photo by Dan Harris

At the July 12th meeting of the Honeoye Falls – Mendon Rotary Club, the club inducted three new members: Ken Gravenstede, Doug Sarkis, and Brandon King. Welcome to Rotary – the members are so glad to have you with them!

Club members also received a visit from District Governor Julie Carney and Assistant Governor Ann LaRue. Carney gave a compelling presentation on mental health awareness, tying into this year’s Rotary International theme: “Create Hope in the World.” Club members intend to continue to talk and learn more about mental health issues during the coming year.

Lastly, HFLCSD Food Services director Dana Boldt stopped in to thank the Club for its donations to the school meal program, which together with donations from the local Kiwanis, help cover the costs of lunches for students with financial need.

The weather at Rotary Park was stellar. All in all, a fantastic start to the new Rotary year!

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