• The newest pharmacy in the area opened for business last week and the owner comes from a long line of pharmacists.

    Honeoye Falls Pharmacy officially opened on November 30, but its Grand Opening will be held

  • Former assistant Honeoye Falls-Lima cross country and track coach Jeffrey Utegg was arrested by New York State Police on Monday, December 5.

    Utegg, 32, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child and

  • Residents of Lima will be without a grocery store for the first time in many years when the Save-A-Lot closes for good on December 3.

    Town of Lima Supervisor Pete Yendell said during a phone conversation on

  • A fire which started in the kitchen and spread throughout the house killed an elderly woman in the hamlet of North Bloomfield last Thursday night (October 27).

    Mary Jo Mastantone, 85, died of smoke

  • Donna MacKenzie wrote a new post 9 years ago

    The music program in the Honeoye Falls-Lima School District is highly regarded across the state and the nation and the number of students who participated in solo festival adjudication events this past January

  • Spaghetti and square dancing? Although those two words are not often thought of together, they have been for the past few years in February when the Honeoye Falls-Lima Music Boosters sponsor their annual spaghetti

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