• Sometimes it seems as though we live in alternative realities. We know this is physically impossible, but we can’t ignore our eyes. How can this be? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “Are You a Laurel or a Yanni

  • Times change. Places change. Organizations change. That doesn’t make it right or wrong, but it does offer an opportunity to reflect. And reflection, every now and then, does a soul good. How does one (hopefully) g

  • Without ambition, many linger in that idle state of “treading water.” They condemn themselves to a life of always wishing, never accomplishing. But not everyone. Some, without any ambition at all, seemed des

  • Do you remember the first time you saw your name in the newspaper? Wouldn’t you like to see your child or grandchild enjoy the same experience? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “Do These 5 Easy Steps When Writi

    Last week The Preservation League of New York State released its 2018-19 Seven to Save Endangered Properties List. This list, published bi-annually, aims to draw public attention to the

  • The calendar (if not the weather) says it’s spring and time for opening day for Little League baseball across this great land of ours. Do you know the biggest reason why most coaches fail to produce winning r

  • In any given news cycle, there are only so many stories to write and only so many headlines that make sense for those stories. Still, there are a million and one ways to write about those stories. Lately, though,

  • Sometimes age allows you to see things you wonder why you missed in the first place. And sometimes you need someone older to state the obvious. And by “older” it doesn’t matter your current age. They just need

  • Journalism is more art than science. Within journalism, though, reporters lean toward science and columnists lean towards art. Want the specifics and what they mean as you’re reading work by either one? Read t

  • In general, it’s a bad idea to elect players to the hall of fame immediately after they retire. It’s better to wait a few years to see how history interprets their accomplishments. The years allow for a more sob

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of Mendon, Monroe County, New York, sealed bids for the purchase of the following item will be received at

  • Stop what you’re doing for a moment and consider how the river of time has changed the banks around you. Do you remember what life was like in 1989? Can you recall thinking about what your future would look l

  • What if there was a way to consistently get your thoughts, ideas, and solutions proclaimed to the public of your choosing at little to no cost? Would you be interested in discovering how to do this? Read this

  • Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 years ago

    What do fighter pilots, successful business leaders, and the best NFL quarterbacks have in common? It’s an easy-to-understand four-step process that anyone can use. Even a sixth grader. Don’t believe me? Read thi

  • Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 years ago

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi turned out to be pretty popular, so what better way to celebrate than to reveal the true nature of the real Dark Side. It’s all around us every day. Sure, you can insulate yourself, but t

  • Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 years ago

    We all know the benefits of active listening. At least we’ve all heard about it. But have we seen how it works in real life? Do you realize it has had a very real impact on every resident of Mendon? How so? Read t

  • Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 years ago

    Poor sports fail to lose gracefully. That’s too bad. It’s too bad for us because we have to deal with these prima donnas. More significantly, though, it’s too bad for them. They’ve lost out on an important opportu

  • Do you ever get the feeling that, just when we seem to get a break from some larger than life powers that be, someone else comes along and pulls the rug out from under us? Welcome to life in the Greater Western

  • Life, it turns out, is nothing but series of tricks. Sometimes you trick yourself. Sometimes others trick you. But the best trick is the one you learn to use to persuade others. Scott Adams, creator of the cartoon

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