Photo of the 1911 Corner House taken in the summer of 2022. Photo by Janet Cruz

The Rush Historical Society has recently signed a 25-year renewable lease with the Town of Rush for use of the 1911 Corner House. The House is a circa 1920s American Four Square style located on the south west corner of the Rush Scottsville Rd (Route 251) and East Henrietta Road (15A) intersection. The house, owned by the Town, is called the 1911 Corner House due to its address being 1911 Rush Scottsville Road. The property was last used as a four-unit apartment building but has been vacant for nearly three years.

In September of 2020, the Rush Historical Society (RHS) presented a proposal to the Town Board expressing their interest in using the 1911 Corner House for the purpose of creating and improving access at more convenient times to Rush history displays and exhibits, organizing and storing the town’s growing collections of historical artifacts, and providing more interactive and experiential educational programs. In February of 2021, the RHS submitted an updated proposal that included a business plan that expanded their capacity through their growing number of volunteers and community partners.

The Rush Town Board hired Bero Architects of Rochester to conduct a feasibility study on the house and to assess the structural integrity of the house. The Bero Report concluded that the house was structurally sound and worthy of repair; and that with a redesign could be a valued town asset. The most immediate repair was a new roof which the Town Board approved and had installed in late Fall of 2021.

This past Fall, the Town Board authorized Bero Architects to create a master plan to repurpose and redesign the space. The first floor interior space will consist of a community multi-use meeting room and changing displays for town-owned historical artifacts. A welcome center with information on local organizations, events, and community resources will also be included. The 2nd floor will provide collection storage and workspace for the historical society volunteers.

The Town and the Rush Historical Society plan to work collaboratively to rehabilitate the House into the proposed display and community meeting space. This is an exciting step forward in making an improvement to the Rush hamlet and for the Rush community.

Rush celebrated its Bicentennial in 2018 and interest in the history of the small town has continued to grow since that time. Having dedicated space to create rotating displays of town-owned artifacts, focusing on a variety of historical topics and families, will be an asset for the community. The multi-use community meeting room will also provide a convenient space for Rush organizations and the RHS to host programs and events.

If you’re interested in learning more about the work of the Rush Historical Society, please visit their website at: RHS recently posted several drone photos taken by Dave Sluberski showing beautiful views of Rush. Check out these photos at: If you are a Facebook user, you may also want to join the Rush Historical Society Facebook group.

If you would like to be part of the exciting 1911 Corner House project and a part of the rich history, please consider joining the Rush Historical Society. Click the “Support” link on the RHS website at: All are welcome!

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