Due to concern for the welfare of our Town residents and local Government staff, I am requesting that those people needing service from the Town Clerk, Building Department, Fire Marshal, Recreation Coordinator, Assessor, or Highway Department please refrain from face to face visits over the near term.  Please call the specific department to discuss matters, email the department or utilize the drop boxes outside the Clerks window for payments.  All contact information is available on the Town Website.

Town Government Service Closures. Note that the Wheatland Town Court offices have been closed by the NYS Office of Court Administration until after April 30th.  The Wheatland Senior Center has been closed by order of Monroe County until further notice.

Town Board Meeting.  The next Town board meeting scheduled for this Thursday, March 19 at 5pm will be held, but will only cover bill paying and the purchase of a welder for the Highway Department.  The purchase of the welder is intended to replace the one purchased in 1992 that no longer works.  Three bids were obtained and, since it is used frequently within the department, replacement is necessary.

Town Office Staffing and Availability. At this point, the Town Office staff will be primarily working on catch-up types of activities and we will assess the status of staff remaining in the office on a day to day basis with guidance provided by the County and the State.  Last week the Town Government prepared measures to be able to work remotely from home via Town issued laptops if necessary.  If that becomes a reality we will send out a notice as to what is NOT able to be done from home due to the fact that a particular function may requires a separate State issued computer and State software program.

Please Look Out for Others in the Community. If anyone knows of a neighbor or other residents who may be struggling with having their needs met, please feel free to email the Supervisor so I can see if there is a way to assist them with their situation.  We are a community of neighbors who are willing to pull our resources together and help each other out. Let’s make sure to not leave anyone out there on their own if they are having difficulties. Thank you and please stay safe.

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