DAR members standing with Revolutionary War Patriot Zebulon Moses’ marker at the Old Baptist Cemetery in Lima. Photo by Stephanie Dempsey
The Ska-Hase-Ga-O chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has recently begun a historical preservation project in Lima which includes documenting and cleaning headstones in abandoned cemeteries in the area. Historical preservation projects such as these are a major focus of DAR’s mission to help save history for future generations.
The chapter members take great care not to cause harm to the headstones and monuments while they are working. At the start of each cemetery project, members begin by taking before pictures of each stone and noting its condition. Then, dirt and vegetation that may be covering the stone is cleared away to get an accurate reading of any inscriptions on the stone. If a stone is illegible, because of years of dirt and vegetation build up, water is carefully applied to break away the grime. The members take measurements of each stone and document what type of material was used (slate, marble, granite etc). Next, they note the shape of the stone, the inscriptions, and any markings/symbols. Pictures are taken after the cleaning and recording work is completed. The final pictures will also include family groups. Once a cemetery project has been completed, the chapter will provide a copy of the preservation report to the local historical societies.
The Ska-Hase-Ga-O chapter would like to invite any groups or individuals from the community who would be interested in helping with this historical preservation project, to contact the chapter through their facebook page or through email at skahasegaodar.gmail.com.