Children dig in at the corn-eating contest at the Avon Corn Festival. Photo provided by Avon Rotary
Two years is long enough! Although the Covid scourge hasn’t gone away there are bright summer days just ahead. One of them is Saturday, Aug. 13, the day the annual Avon Corn Festival returns for the 34th time.
With the machinery already in motion, Avon Rotary vows that nothing short of a catastrophe will stand in the way of presenting the town’s most popular festival. Michael Ford, Rotary chairman of this year’s event, said that “our committee has been hard at work to bring you the first-rate festival experience that you have been used to in years past.”
Festivities are being readied, scores of crafters already have agreed to show their wares, food trucks are lining up and bands–including the area favorite Skycoasters–are committed.
“I’m especially excited for our Avon Rotary Corn Festival this year because the festival has become much more than a fundraiser for us,” said Rotarian Kirk Vanderbilt. “It has become a celebration of our entire Avon community and all of the many businesses, organizations and people we have to offer. This year’s festival will provide an awesome opportunity for everyone to celebrate coming out of our long Covid slumber and it is sure to be a great time for all of us.”
So what can you look forward to?
How about:
• Live entertainment all day.
• Free admission, parking and shuttle.
• Arts and crafts vendors.
• Noontime corn-eating contest.
• Kids’ zone.
• Cornhole games.
• 50/50 raffle.
• Beer garden featuring local craft beers plus wine and cider.
• A free three-hour Skycoasters concert from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
• And of course corn, corn, corn: fresh local sweet corn, corn fritters, corn dogs and salt potatoes.
Intended to be a family event, it will run from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. “Our family makes sure to attend the Avon Corn Festival every year,” village resident David Botts said. “We love connecting with the community and supporting the Rotary Club’s mission. There is something for everyone: live music, delicious food, drinks, fun games and local merchants with fabulous items for sale. We can’t wait for this year’s festival.”
Karl Sawicki, corn fest vendor chairman, urged people to “visit the more than 100 arts and craft vendors who will line Genesee Street. Our one-day event will bring thousands of people to Avon eager to see the variety, talent and skills displayed by our vendors.”
So “come and walk the streets,” Ford said. “Not only will you have a fun day, but you are also helping Avon Rotary support many local, national and international causes and charities because all proceeds made at our Corn Festival are donated right back into the community and to these various charities.”
Further information is on the Avon Rotary web site at www.AvonRotary.org.