Bovenzi Eagle Scout Project

Andrew Bovenzi stands in the pavilion at Rotary Park with Honeoye Falls-Mendon Rotary President Linda Goodrum. Photo provided by Linda Goodrum

Andrew Bovenzi, a Life Scout from Boy Scout Troop 10, is determined to reach Eagle Scout rank before he turns 18.

His Eagle project is focused on the refurbishment of the pavilion as well as multiple other improvements to Rotary Park. The pavilion’s picnic tables currently have some carvings, chipping paint, and the wood is splitting in certain spots. He plans to scrape, fill, and stain them to make them look nice again. He has also been organizing teams of people to restore the flowers and plants in the front of the park. Finally, in addition to other smaller projects, he plans on organizing teams of folks to resurface the basketball court.

His goal is to conduct these repairs and replacements for the Rotary.

“I am doing this because the facilities of Rotary Park are used by tons of people in this community,” Bovenzi said. “People play sports in the park and hold parties and events in the pavilion. The Rotary has even helped my troop and I conduct our meetings throughout the months of COVID restrictions, by letting us use the park during the summer. I want to repay them for allowing us and many others in this community to use the park’s facilities. To do these repairs, I have solicited funds from the people of Honeoye Falls. Any donations that are meant to help this project can be sent to the Rotary’s Foundation.”

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