A Lima Facebook Class for Small Businesses will be offered on Monday, March 21 from 6-7:30 p.m. at Lima Town Hall.
This class is an opportunity for small business owners in Lima to receive help with the management of their business Facebook page. Business owners who do not currently have a Facebook page for their business can also learn about the benefits of Facebook and have the opportunity to work on creating a page.

The class will offer insights into features and tools of Facebook including posting tips, and cover photo design. This is an opportunity for business owners to have even their most basic Facebook questions answered. Facebook for small businesses is a tool for growth and an aspect of advertising that is essential in a social media world. This class is a chance to embrace that opportunity and learn to use its benefits to the advantage of your business.

The class is free to all business owners and is being offered by the Livingston County Downtown Partnership Program. To rsvp for the class, contact Louise Wadsworth at 585-243-7124 or wadsworth@livingstoncountydevelopment.com.

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