Lima Village (John Correll, Acting Mayor) – Working with the Town of Lima on this, we’re maintaining health and safety of the crew to keep their water and sewer treatment plants up and running. This is a significant part of municipal operations. We’ve divided up the crew into a water and sewer team. The restaurants are operating take-out only and we’re very happy to see everyone using them. We remain a little concerned with Mark Tubbs Park, not as much with the bad weather this week.

Town of Mendon (John Moffett, Supervisor) – We shut down the highway department completely this week. Hopefully, the Town can still get the brush pick-up at the end of April as previously advertised. The Town Hall is closed but there are people manning it in rotation. The Town had its first virtual meeting through Zoom for the Planning Board last week.

Town of Rush (Gerald Kusse, Supervisor) – Quiet, as to be expected, the 7-11 and Pizza Shop (take-out only) remain open. Creekside and Wildwood are closed. The Town Hall is closed, all the workforce were sent home two weeks ago. Highway department remains open removing snow fencing, with brush pickup scheduled for April 20th. We’ve been using Zoom successfully for some time for meetings. It’s really eerie to drive through and not see anyone, no matter what time of day or night.

Village of Scottsville (Anne Hartman, Village Clerk) – We haven’t had any meetings yet as the planning board meeting was cancelled because there was nothing on the agenda. We will be using Microsoft Teams for the budget public hearing on April 14th. Kids were congregated at the skate park, so the DPW came up to them and threatened to remove the ramps and not bring them back. There hasn’t been much of a problem since. One pizza shop (take-out only and “pizza kits” for $10) and the Artisan (take-out only) are open, but the diner is closed. There’s a lot of concern among some residents that people aren’t following proper social distancing practices. It appears self-policing (usually through social media) seems to be addressing this to some extent.

Lima Town (Mike Falk, Supervisor) – A large number of customers have cancelled their pickup service. This impacts all haulers. It is recommended people not cancel, but work with their waste hauler and maybe arrange for biweekly instead of weekly pickups. What we’re trying to avoid is a build up of garbage when everyone is staying home which is going to invite a completely different set of problems. In addition, recycling is even more important now because those materials are being used in factories that have been retooled to make ventilators, masks, and gowns. Town also had a blood drive because the blood supply needs to be pumped up. Lima is also doing Zoom meetings, but their license limits the number of people on it. The standard for Livingston county is audio only and that’s the way the Lima Town meetings will go forward in the future. For small businesses, we’re reminding everyone that there’s SBA funding available and Livingston County is helping with that.

Village of Honeoye Falls (Rick Milne, Mayor) – (See page 1 photo caption for Lights Up comments) DPW staff is still working, like Lima, it’s split into two crews for the treatment plant. We expect mowing may be a challenge, but parks will get priority to avoid the “hay field” look. Village Hall is shut down but a skeleton crew remains to get things done that need to be done. We will have public meetings with Big Blue Button with chat mode for the public (no video) but the public officials will be on video. The first use of this was for the budget meeting and the Annual Meeting on Monday.

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