Spaghetti and square dancing? Although those two words are not often thought of together, they have been for the past few years in February when the Honeoye Falls-Lima Music Boosters sponsor their annual spaghetti dinner which is followed by traditional square dancing.

The Music Boosters’ annual spaghetti dinner and square dancing event is February 5 at the HF-L Middle School cafeteria, 619 Quaker Meeting House Road. Serving for the dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. and runs to 7 p.m.; after which the tables are pushed to the side to make room for the square dancing until 9 p.m. with Jim Kimball and the Geneseo String Band. People can dance or, if they would like, just watch and listen to the music.

The dinner features spaghetti, salad, bread, butter, dessert and beverage.

The event has been taking place for more than 20 years. The Music Boosters is an organization made up of educators and parents who support the vocal and instrumental music programs in the HF-L school district from kindergarten through high school. They help support extra programs and needs of the music program, such as bringing in professional musicians and music groups to provide workshops for the students.

“The Boosters are very important for our music program,” high school instrumental teacher Mark Borden said.
Tickets for the dinner can be purchased at the door at $7 adults, $4 for children under age 10 and $24 for a family. Takeout orders are available.

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