The music program in the Honeoye Falls-Lima School District is highly regarded across the state and the nation and the number of students who participated in solo festival adjudication events this past January only adds to the importance and respect garnered by the program.

Manor School fifth-graders who went to the Elementary School Winter Solo Fest on January 22 and 23 were Kaila Bartolotti (flute), Robert Brown (alto saxophone), Morgan Campany (flute), Quinn Considine (tuba), Sophia Dulieu (flute), Riley Greenich (euphonium), Alana Khona (clarinet), Molly Kraynik (flute), Cayla Lawrence (flute), Caroline Lupisella (clarinet), Nicol Maiola (tuba), Brinlee Smith (flute), Emily White (clarinet), Ivy Yates (flute) and Preston Yates (alto saxophone).

Sixth-graders at the Middle School who participated in the band at the Elementary Solo Fest were Kailey Annesi, Alex Ardieta, Tucker Beckett, Jenna Bovenzi, Jacob Campbell, Molly Connors, Grace DeClerck, Tehya Deisenroth, Anna Everhart, Ethan Ford, Seamus Gillis, Ben Houle, Olivia Hullihen, Hayden Koch, Owen Mallette, Avery McLaughlin, Katie Miller, Ginny Roth, John Ryan Samarra, Chris Skelton, Emma Stefanou, Will Tomaszewski, Leah Torregiano and Elizabeth VanDick.

Middle school seventh- and eighth-graders who went to the Junior High Solo Fest in the band on January 15-16 were Rachel Bernstein (flute), Tessa Bradley (alto sax), Abby Carson (tenor sax), Anna Carter (french horn), Hanna Coria (clarinet), Karina Ekholm (clarinet), Ellie Fairchild (flute), Michael Feeley (alto sax), Rachel Fleischer (alto sax), Leah Greenich (flute), Sydney Hermann (flute), Shannon Heywood (flute), Aurore Lambert (clarinet), Samuel Miller (trumpet), Audrey Natale (flute), Reese Perkins (clarinet), Shelby Pribanich (flute), Melissa Price (flute), Haley Robinson (clarinet), Hailey Sackoor (bass clarinet), Ava Stern (alto sax), Liana Torpey (tuba), Shayla Torpey (clarinet), Adam Tripi (trombone), Riley Wall (trumpet), Teddy Warfle (alto sax) and Claire Yioulos (alto sax).

Several high school band students performed at the Monroe County Solo Festival at Fairport High on January 8-9. They were Melissa Antalek, Ryan Barski, Thomas Carter, Kadin Deisenroth, Jaima DeWitt, Bryan Donahue, Emily Dulieu, Sam Fedele, Emma Hagreen, Abigail Jones, Bella Lau, Maddi Puchebner, Rachel Roof, Marianthi Stakos, CJ Tomaszewski and Elizabeth Wall. Barski, Stakos and Tomaszewski also took part in the Jazz Solo Fest at Pittsford on January 22-23.

Many other high school students participated in the vocal solo festival adjudication event at Gates Chili High School on January 8 and 9. They were Ben Bernstein, Tabetha Besanceny, Manda Borden, Raelynn Bovenzi, Nathan Bradley, Whitley Brinka, Lea Deisenroth, Brooke Erion, Lauren Freeman, Riley Goold, Beth Hinman, Abigail Jones, Spencer King, Loren Manchester, Rose Mead, Kelsey Natale, Tigh Regan, Madeline Rose and Tyler VanVoorhis.

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