Honeoye Falls Marketplace is putting the commonly heard phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle” into action. After implementing some suggestions from the HF-L Green Team, they have made various changes in their food packaging, waste disposal and recycling programs in an effort to increase the sustainability of their operation.

In regards to packaging, 100% of previously used foam packaging has been eliminated at HFMP for hot and prepared foods and replaced with renewable fiber based packaging. These fiber containers are made from renewable resources and are BPI certified compostable. Composting is a more green way to dispose of waste because instead of going into a landfill, the packages can be broken down in a compost pile and used to fertilize soil, and benefit various microorganisms and insects.

Every Friday the store purveys a fish fry, made with premium quality haddock shipped in from the Boston Fish Pier. Along with the compostable packaging, the store has replaced their foam fish fry package with a vented cardboard box. Not only is this box recyclable, but it keeps your fish and French fries crispier and warmer, benefiting the environment and their customers taste buds.

While many companies just dispose of their food waste, Honeoye Falls Marketplace has does it in a greener fashion. Over 85% of the food waste at HFMP is either reclamated; sent back to the warehouse where it can be either donated to food banks or donated to local farms as feed for the livestock. Even coffee grinds are picked up by a local farmer and put in a compost pile. Also, in an effort to reduce energy consumption, LED lights are installed in all the replacement cases and the majority of the other cases have been retrofitted to utilize LED technology. These lights conserve power by using substantially less energy to attractively illuminate displays as well as refrigerated cases.

There are various materials used in the grocery business that can be recycled. Plastic shopping bags are a popular choice for customers to bring home their groceries in. Instead of throwing away unwanted plastic bags, HFMP has long supported a program that allows customers to recycle their unwanted plastic bags. All they have to do is bring them to the bin conveniently located in the store’s lobby. Along with the plastic bags, other plastics used to ship and secure food during transport are recycled and the wooden pallets used to cube products on the trucks are also re-used many times over.

The steps that HFMP is undertaking to “reduce, reuse, and recycle” are making a positive difference to the environment and to the taste buds of HFMP’s customers.

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