The ribbon is cut on the new accessibility addition and lift at Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church last month. Submitted photo
On Sunday, October 28, 2018, The Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church held a Celebration and Dedication for its new Accessibility Addition and Lift.
In her prayer for the dedication Rev. Mary Rublee led those gathered to give thanks for all of the time, talent and treasure that has gone into its creation of this accessibility addition and asked that all who use this space be blessed with more love and compassion than when they entered. May these new walls be like arms that reach outward to embrace our community extending our ministry to all.
Many thanks to William and Carol Van Dusen of Honeoye, NY who provided the seed money for this project. Thanks also to our church neighbors, John and Sandy Tuller who attended to help us celebrate. The Town of Mendon was represented by John Moffitt, Town Supervisor, and his wife, Carol, who also attended. Kathy Palmer of Honeoye Falls Market Place prepared a beautiful cake for the occasion.
During the afternoon many people tried out the new lift which now accesses the downstairs Fellowship Hall, to enjoy the Harvest theme décor and a delicious family-style meal of pulled pork, with a variety of sides, lovingly prepared by members of the church family, and enjoyed by approximately 100 church members and their guests.
A fundraiser to support this project, of 8” tiles which will be displayed on the interior walls of the addition, is continuing and open to the wider community. Please contact the church at 624-3387 or our website at www.honeoyefallsumc.org for more information.
Thank you to all who volunteered their time to make this celebration such a success.