HF-L Director of Food Service Dana Boldt (left) and HFLM Kiwanis President Christine Mitchell (right) hold the ceremonial check presented to the HF-L Summer Food program. Photo provided by HFLM Kiwanis Club
On Friday, July 21st the Kiwanis Club of Honeoye Falls – Lima, Mendon hosted their annual Christmas in July event at the Mendon Golf Club. At this event each year, the club selects organizations who fit into their motto of “changing the world one child and one community at a time”. This year the Kiwanis club was able to support several organizations.
The recipients of this year’s donations were: Willow Domestic Violence Center, who help those individuals and families who are in domestic violent situations find refuge and help them cope and rebuild a life free of trauma; Honeoye Falls FISH Food Cupboard, which provides food to those in the Honeoye Falls, Mendon, and West Bloomfield areas when they need it; Friends of Borgne, Haiti who provide education to the children and adults in Borgne, Haiti; and the Veterans Outreach. In addition to supporting children, Kiwanis also supports veterans. With this donation Kiwanis supports the Veterans Outreach Center to help those who fought for freedom, to find freedom and homes back here in the states.
In addition to those local organizations, the HFLM Kiwanis Club donated $2,000 to the HF-L Summer Food Program to assure that the students of the Honeoye Falls-Lima school district were able to have a nutritious lunch throughout their summer vacation!
Finally, the HFLM Kiwanis club joined with the 12 other clubs in the Finger Lakes Division of Kiwanis on April 1st at Eastview Mall, to raise money for the URMC Golisano Children’s Hospital Pediatric Behavioral Health and Wellness programs. At this event members were blessed to have the GreasePaint Alley Clowns, basket raffles and most importantly generous shoppers who donated to this event. The purpose of this event was to not only raise money for this division of the children’s hospital but also to help promote the understanding that it is okay to ask for help, and that as a Division of Kiwanis, this is something that is very important. The event was run by incoming Lt. Governor for the 2023-2024 Kiwanis year, Christine Mitchell, who knows firsthand how these programs can save lives, after her son was hospitalized while a teen with suicidal thoughts. Mitchell says “I am blessed to have my son with me today, because he knew to ask for help, and the help we got him, was through the hospital. He is now an adult, working and doing great things with his life. If it were not for these behavioral health and wellness programs I am not sure my son would still be with me!” At this event, and with donations from clubs around the division, Kiwanis was able to present a check to the URMC Golisano Children’s Hospital Pediatric Behavioral Health and Wellness Programs for $6,650. Help spread the message that it is Okay to ask for help!
Thank you to all who have supported the fundraisers and other events. Without your support they would not be able to help organizations like these and others. If you are interested in learning more about the HFLM Kiwanis Club, please join them at the Mendon Golf Club at Noon every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, you can also find them on Facebook or at their website honeoeyfallslimamendonkiwanis.org. They would love to have you join them!