Wheatland-Chili Sophomore Ian Orloff has ranked second in total points scored throughout the Varsity Masterminds League. As a freshman, Ian was on the Junior Varsity Masterminds team and in middle school he was a member of Academic Challenge Bowl. Members of the Wheatland-Chili Varsity Masterminds team include Ethan Buyea, Connor Wehle, and Colin Hogue. “The Varsity team had a record of six wins and six losses this season,” said Spanish teacher Judie Cady, Varsity Masterminds Coach. Schools in the league are Mercy, East Rochester, East Ridge, Greece Athena, and Greece Odyssey. The Junior Varsity team is coached by Christine Peets. The members are: Alannah McLean, Olivia Cross, Jackie Keister, Raina Evans, Connor Ingham, and Just’Hana Yawn-Gordon. Congratulations to all our students for their outstanding performance. Submitted photo