Fifty years ago, amid controversy and heated debate, the Lima and Honeoye Falls school districts merged to form the Honeoye Falls-Lima school district of today—a historic moment for both communities. At the November meeting of the Lima Historical Society, Deb and Tim Smith, who were entering high school that year, will share the research they have done on the merger and their personal experiences regarding that momentous change for the two communities in a presentation entitled Lima-Honeoye Falls School Merger On Its 50th Anniversary. The meeting will be in the

Lima Court House on East Main Street, next to the Town Hall, at 7 p.m. on November 19.

In their words, Deb Gonyea was a Lima Indian and Tim Smith was a Honeoye Falls Hornet in the eighth grade that year.  They met on the first day of school their freshman year in the newly merged high school and have the unique perspective of being part of the first class to have spent all four of their high school years as Honeoye Falls-Lima Cougars.

Please join us to participate in this slide-illustrated talk and hear about some of the controversies and reactions to the impending HF-L merger in the two communities back in 1969. A lively discussion is sure to follow. Please come and add your thoughts and memories of the period and the event. Younger parents should also find the discussion of interest because of the profound impact the merger would have on the lives of all children in the two communities. Has that impact been positive or negative? Presentation is free and open to the public.

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