Deborah Seelos, Good Citizen Committee Chair and Stephanie Dempsey, Chapter Regent with this year’s Good Citizen winners – Catherine Rosser, Rebecca Lee, Lena Antkowiak and Abigail Provo. Photo by Stephanie Dempsey
The Daughters of the American Revolution Ska-Hase-Ga-O Chapter in Lima celebrated the holiday season with members and guests on Saturday, December 9th, at the Lima Presbyterian Church. The traditional holiday tea was held in honor of DAR’s Good Citizen award recipients from area high schools.
DAR’s Good Citizen program recognizes and rewards outstanding high school seniors who demonstrate these strong American values: dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism. In attendance this year were Lena Antkowiak from Avon, Catherine Rosser from Livonia, Abigail Provo from Mt. Morris and Rebecca Lee from York, along with their proud parents.
The students will receive further recognition of their honors at their upcoming senior recognition ceremonies and high school graduations.
For information about the DAR or the Ska-Hase-Ga-O chapter, please visit http://www.facebook.com/skahasegaoDAR/ or send your inquires to skahasegao@gmail.com.