Mr. HFL cast, crew and Rotarian supporters gathered for this photo. Photo by Ginny Floss
Honeoye Falls-Mendon Rotary is recognizing the hard work and dedication of the Honeoye Falls-Lima High School Interact Club during this very challenging year. These teens managed to bring some cheer and good fun to a community struggling its way through the pandemic.
Elise Lupisella, 18, served as President of Interact, a club which develops leadership skills and taps into the power of a fundamental Rotary tenet, Service Above Self. Interact organizes at least two projects every year. Rotary members mentor, advise and help them as needed. This year was mostly about encouraging members to be creative and to not give up. Elise and her team accomplished both!
Now this 2021 graduate heads off to a six-year program at Nazareth to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Rotary asked Elise to tell the community, in her own words, what Service Above Self meant for the Interact Club during the pandemic. Here’s what she had to say:
“Since eighth grade, I was determined to be Interact Club president my senior year. I pictured numerous service events and leadership opportunities. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the service opportunities were immediately limited. However, I knew I wasn’t going to let COVID ruin Interact.”
“First, we started with our annual clean up at Rotary Park in Honeoye Falls, which was able to proceed as normal with added masking of course. Next, we were stumped, as we knew our annual Halloween party could not take place. Our board went to work, brainstorming possible COVID-safe options for the community. I stumbled upon a Halloween scavenger hunt with an added twist: local businesses volunteered and provided candy for their designated pit-stops. Interact members distributed balloons to mark each location and handed out candy to “trick or treaters.” Prior to the hunt, we organized a costume parade around Pinehurst to include all residents of the community in a safe manner. The Halloween party was just one modified event this year due to the pandemic. Throughout the year we innovated and thought of safe ways to carry out other events as well.”
“One of our main events was the annual Mr. HFL male pageant. After the difficulties of this past year, Interact was determined to put on an incredible Mr. HFL performance. On May 29th, seven contestants competed for the 14th annual title, and the grand prize of $500, donated by the HF-M Rotary Club. Each contestant learned a group dance, performed a talent, and competed in a question and answer category. Talents ranged from jazzercise with Jack Graney to Bohemian Rhapsody played and sung by Alec Bhaskaran. Ultimately, Eddie Gartland claimed the Mr. HFL title with his original song about the past year. Alec Bhaskaran came in second place with an impressive question and answer paired with a fantastic talent, winning $200 donated from Lima Rotary. Third place was awarded to Adam Santucci for his creative and humorous musical interpretation of HFL faculty, winning $100, which was donated in part by Lima Rotary and HFL Interact.”
“The profits from the show are used to refund the Interact Club account, and the excess funds are donated to a charity of the club’s choosing. This year we chose Linking Hands for Learning, a nonprofit organization focused on building schools in the remote mountain communities of Nicaragua.”
“The Senior contestants created an incredible show full of laughs and genuine entertainment. Please enjoy the recorded version of the show on YouTube: https://youtu.be/XL9oVDh_3zI.”
A big THANK YOU to all our incredible sponsors: Four Corners Optical, O’Grady’s House of Hair, Brenna Boyce Attorneys at Law, Pizza D’s, State Farm Honeoye Falls, Main Street Café, Howard Hanna Honeoye Falls, A Touch of Gold, Lupinetti’s, Salvatore’s Pizzeria Honeoye Falls, Mendon Pharmacy and WE Shop.