• Here’s an idea. Keep doing things the same way forever, even when the playing field changes. The sweet truth lies beyond the dimension you’re so comfortable with. When you break that mental barrier, how should you

  • Take a trip in a time machine to a past not too long ago when friends would gather to enjoy each other, enjoy the summer, and enjoy the time they had together. When was this time? Read this week’s Carosa C

  • This is an editorial I wish I never had to write, but silence can no longer be appropriate. It disheartens everyone when injustice is used in the name of justice. For this to truly stop, when need to address the

  • Here’s an idea. Keep doing things the same way forever, even when the playing field changes. The sweet truth lies beyond the dimension you’re so comfortable with. When you break that mental barrier, how should you

  • Fall is approaching and if you are a Medicare consumer that means Annual Enrollment Period is just around the corner. Each year Medicare beneficiaries are allowed to select a NEW Medicare plan between October

  • As a kid, did you ever go on a trip far away and then come home only to discover you left your favorite toy in the hotel room? That’s an apt metaphor for this week’s essay. Only, it’s not a toy that’s being d

  • Cats get all the memes. Maybe because, deep down, we can’t connect to cats the way we can bond with dogs. Will our dogs miss us when we go back to the office fulltime? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “The Dog D

  • The world is aboil right now. It’s addling a lot of people. But there are those lucky few who understand what this really means. They represent the next generations of winners. Would you like to be a winner? R

  • It’s time for a Throwback Thursday reflection. This Throwback comes courtesy of an equipment malfunction. It’s hard to imagine what life was life decades ago when you’re busy taking today for granted. But what

  • Take a look at this week’s front page. Given the extraordinary circumstances and the importance of the content of this week’s issue, anyone can view the entire issue by registering for free and logging on when

  • There comes a time when you reach the breaking point. It’s that point when you decide it’s time to break out of your normally calm demeaner and take a stand. It’s called the “Popeye Point.” Are you among the many

  • Can you feel it? It’s there. You know it. Right beyond the bend. Right over the hill ahead. Can you feel it? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “‘The Coming Thing…’ Thoughts on Turning 60” to better understand that feeling.

  • Take a look at this week’s front page. Given the extraordinary circumstances and the importance of the content of this week’s issue, anyone can view the entire issue for free by clicking here.

  • Major General Ray Shields, the Adjutant General for the State of New York, announces the recent promotion of members of the New York Army National Guard in recognition of their capability for additional

  • There is a difference between facts and feelings. Both exist. Both are legitimate. But both cannot occupy the same place at the same moment. It either one or the other. How can you profit by recognizing the

  • There comes a time when we must move on from our past burdens and thrive in moments of joy. Those moments can blossom spontaneously. We can create them with concerted planning. How ever they arise, we must embrace

  • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. There are enough problems preventing election fraud. Adding another layer of checks and balances will only make fraud easier. Why is this an issue? Read this week’s Carosa Comme

  • “Things sure turned out different,” laments Roy Hobbs in The Natural. He expected to zig and life threw him a zag. In that way, he’s no different than anyone else. He’s no different than you. And yet, Roy Hobbs s

  • As happens so often in life, our good intentions end up delivering to us the exact opposite of our desires. Why is this so? We want only to offer the best, and people keep giving us their worst. What wrong with

  • It’s the simple things in life that, once removed, bring greater understanding to what we value. When we reflect, we discover much to be thankful for, even when the times are less than ideal. What are you t

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