The 71 inductees have different personalities and different interests, some of them involved in sports, some music, some art and some all of the above, but they all share one thing in

  • When you’re running out of time, you’ve got to cut something from your presentation. Sometimes it’s a meaningless joke or a chunk of gratuitous trivia. Sometimes it’s something much deeper. Which one was this? R

  • How did America come to Civil War in the 19th century? It came gradually through a building crescendo as partisan vigor overtook sober compromise. Are we doomed to repeat this history? Read this week’s Carosa C

  • We’ve all been there. And not just sports fans. Life doesn’t always go as planned. And when it doesn’t, well, what do you do? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “Bills Fans May Be Hurt, But We Are Not Slain” an

  • It’s tough, it’s sad, it’s hard. That’s what the candle of life is. It’s tougher, sadder, and harder when that candle goes out. Yet, it’s important we celebrate that light that once was. How do you say the things

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  • You spend three years faithfully watching a compelling drama and the network announces the fourth season with be its last. You’re left to wonder: How will the story end? Will I be satisfied with the ending? If I

  • Take a look at this week’s front page. Subscribers who have paid on-line may view the entire issue for free by clicking here.

  • Some look to victories as the measure of a person. It’s not. It is how a person stands up against a string of losses that defines what we have come to call “character.” So was it at the Thermoplyae Pass in Ancie

  • The goal of every leader is to take people from Point A to Point B. There are any number of strategies to accomplish this. But are they all equally effective? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “What Every Lea

  • A century after Guttenberg first press his first publication, the world of writing looked dramatically and demonstrably different than it did compared to only a few years before the invention of the Guttenberg

  • America has been blessed by millions of people who serve faithfully in their communities across the land. They may not make the pages of Wikipedia, but they remain invaluable. They represent the backbone of our

  • Sometimes it’s better just to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. But what if the show urges you to participate? Well that only makes a bad weekend worse. And coming home doesn’t make it better. Want to know how

  • If you had a chance to go back in time and make a different decision at some critical node, would you? Somewhere in the vast array of multiverses, you did exactly that. Can you imagine what your life on that

  • This is how obsession begins. Like a boulder rolling down a hill, it only gathers momentum over time. Is there anything that can stop it? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “The World – The Universe – That Might H

  • “In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue… October 12 their dream came true, You never saw a happier crew!.. The first American? No, not quite. But Columbus was brave, and he was bri

  • Take a look at this week’s front page. Subscribers who have paid on-line may view the entire issue for free by clicking here.

  • Are you one of the many people who distrust the media? Do you feel stymied trying to determine what’s fact, what’s fiction, and what’s somebody’s propaganda when it comes to press coverage of Washington politic

  • It used to be dystopian fiction was merely fiction. That was then. Today, it hits awfully too close to home. Should you be disheartened? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “A Look Back at Tomorrow: A Review of the

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