• Sometimes posing a seemingly trivial question to yourself can reveal something more thoughtful than you ever imagined. That’s the fun behind this quaint little parlor game that requires nothing more than a c

  • What error makes a popular speaking template more likely to fail than to succeed? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “What Public Speakers Can Learn from Aristotle’s Greatest Mistake” and discover when it works b

  • What keeps people from attaining their lifetime dreams? Is it their fault? Or is it beyond their control? Look at what successful people do to accomplish their long-term goals. How can we duplicate their strategy

  • Earlier this month, the Mendon Public Library’s very own Knit Nook distributed over 150 hand knit items to residents of Lima, Honeoye Falls and Mendon through Friends in Service Here (F.I.S.H.). This c

  • The study of astronomy, together with our efforts to explore space, humbles man. No other field so exposes our true insignificance. It was 50 years ago, on Christmas Eve, when, for the first time, the entirety of

  • More and more people are discovering the Greater Western New York Region wasn’t originally part of New York State but was annexed several years after the conclusion of the Revolutionary War. And a good thing, t

  • No matter who we are, life has a tendency to place us in moments of historical context. We may not know it at the time of the event, but as the years go by we begin to recognize the significance – and c

  • Are you stuffed with stuffing? Are you still sweet on sweet potatoes? Did you eat 3.1416 slices of pumpkin pie, apple pie, and (my favorite) chocolate banana cream pie? And, despite all this voraciousness, is the

  • Scam artists know a thing or two about human behavior. More than the humans they are about to scam. That’s the problem. Want to know a worse problem? When those scammed humans are playing with your money. Why is t

  • Let’s take a trip down memory lane to the event that inspired the hit song “Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis” and the subsequent 1944 musical film Meet Me in St. Louis, starring Judy Garland. It was a happening that

  • What happened when something touches you so deeply, it forever stays with you? That’s the feeling I have whenever I recall Apollo 11. A lot of things got burned into my nine-year-old brain during those nine days f

  • Take a look at this week’s front page. Subscribers who have paid on-line may view the entire issue for free by clicking here.

    Fall Weekend 2018 started with a great parade, followed by “the drive” as the HF-L football team topped UPrep and then, on Sunday October 14, the 22nd annual running of the Youth Trophy Cup Run

  • Yes, there are many Italian American heroes. They come in all sizes and shapes. From the world of business to the world of entertainment. They are builders, they are athletes. They enforce the law and make the

  • What’s more (Italian) American than the Old West? And we’re not talking about Clint Eastwood’s “Spaghetti Westerns” (a film genre invented by Italian director/producer/screenwriter Sergio Leone). No, we’re tal

  • Christopher Columbus gets much of the credit when it comes to the founding of America, and rightly so. His courageous voyage, coming on the heels of the fall of Constantinople, gave Christianity a new hope, and

  • Have you have moved to a different school, a different neighborhood? Have you seen how people tend to treat the “new kid on the block”? Not very pretty, but it’s a ritual one must withstand before one can becom

  • Face it. People hate change. You pick a product. Learn how to use it. Get settled into a nice little routine. Then, Bam! They change something. It could be a system upgrade. It could be a new dashboard. Maybe

  • Take a look at this week’s front page. Subscribers who have paid on-line may view the entire issue for free by clicking here.

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