Chris Carosa wrote a new post 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Remembering Father Latus
It’s easy to lead when you aren’t afraid to stick your nose out. Some do so because they’re brave. Others do it for the glory. Attaining success can o
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 5 months, 4 weeks ago
Faith, Reason, And The Shroud Of Turin
Long before C. P. Snow exposed the war between science and the humanities in the 20th century, the Victorian Era of the 19th century fomented the war
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 6 months ago
The Day ‘The Democracy’ Died
Some of you are old enough to grasp the significance of Bobby Kennedy Junior’s endorsement of President Trump’s campaign. Are you not among these? Rea
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 6 months, 1 week ago
The Joy Of ‘Mission Accomplished’ (With A Lafayette Bonus At The End)
It’s a dream that nags at you. It doesn’t scare you, but its implication makes you wonder if you should be frightened. What does it really mean? Rea
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 6 months, 2 weeks ago
On Fried Dough and Kettle Corn
It sneaks up on you. You don’t see it coming until it’s too late. You’re hooked. And it is the most delightful part of your life. What is it? Read this
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 6 months, 3 weeks ago
A Pugilist’s Elegy – In Memory of Mr. Polito
We all have a special teacher. But a whole department that ironically remains the foundation of your life? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “A Pug
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 months ago
Film Vs. TV: A M*A*S*H Revelation
You heard about the difference between a book and its movie. But what about the difference between the movie and the TV series? Read this week’s C
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 months, 1 week ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Through Seneca Falls, East Cayuga Then A Masonic Welcome And A Final Adieu In Auburn
In a fitting grand finale, Lafayette is treated with a send-off most appropriate for the Greater Western New York Region. What were his parting
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Wowed Waterloo Overcomes Tragedy To Welcome Hero
It was a day much anticipated. As usual, however, the excitement got the best of a few people, leading to a regrettable incident. What was it? Read
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Pomp, Circumstance, Before Lunch In Geneva
Do you want to know what really motivates people? A deadline. And what happens when that deadline is shorter than you think? Read this week’s Carosa C
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 8 months ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Canandaigua Anxiously Waits Before Jubilation And An Elegant Supper
What’s it like for a community when a rock star visits before anyone had even heard of rock and roll music? Read this week’s Carosa Commentary “La
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 8 months, 1 week ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Dispelling Mendon Myths
When there’s not much to say about a small piece of history, how tempting is it to fill in the empty with something? Read this week’s Carosa Com
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Competing Memories Turn Lafayette’s Rochester Visit From History To Mystery
Lafayette could not believe where the boat stopped. It seemed as if he were magically suspended in the air. Where was he? Read this week’s Carosa C
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Fort Niagara And The Man-Made Wonder Of Lockport
June 6, 1825, was a memorable day for everyone in Lockport, the growing epicenter of engineering marvel. The nation’s guest was about to arrive with a b
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 9 months ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: The Natural Wonder Of Niagara Falls, Goat Island, And Lewiston
Do you remember what you thought the first time you saw Niagara Falls? Now imagine how a European traveler might see them. That’s only one of the s
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 9 months, 1 week ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Breakfast At Black Rock Then On To Tonawanda
Peter Porter didn’t like to lose, but lose he did. Buffalo, not his beloved Black Rock, won the right to become the western terminus of the Erie C
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Regal Reception In Buffalo’s Blossoming Queen City
It’s 1825. The worst is behind it. Buffalo sits poised on the cusp to a nearly century long trajectory of prosperity and growth. And it’s all bec
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: To The Dunkirk Dinghy By The Dawn’s Early Light
Left behind compared to its neighboring towns and villages, Dunkirk remained the last bastion of the frontier legacy of Greater Western New York. What
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 9 months, 4 weeks ago
Lafayette’s Farewell Tour: Fast Fredonia Frenzy
Fredonia is home to a lot of firsts. But they didn’t come until after Lafayette’s visit. What did this small rural village have to offer? Read this wee
Chris Carosa wrote a new post 10 months ago
May 9, 2024 Issue of The Sentinel
Take a look at this week’s front page. What’s on the inside of this week’s issue and why is it important to you? Click here to view the entire issue
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