Chances are good that you or your family has a savings account at a bank or savings association. It is natural and necessary that we do have something set aside for that possible “rainy day”.

Well, the Town of Mendon has one of sorts as well. While it is not exactly the type that you might think of as a conventional savings account, it is one that is striving to set aside historic properties and preserve them, not only for us, but for the generations that follow us to learn from and enjoy. Mendon has some fine examples of early American homes and buildings worthy of such preservation for posterity and we hope to save many as local landmarks. For by connecting the past to the present we keep things alive for the future.

In the early 1990’s the Town formed an Historic Preservation Commission. As authorized under NYS law, it is composed of five (5) resident members that are appointed by the Town Board, who have a known interest and knowledge of historic preservation and architectural development within Mendon. These members are assisted by Diane Ham, the Mendon Historian and other persons or consultants deemed necessary by the Commission from time to time.

Some of the Commission’s goals are:
1- to protect and enhance landmarks that represent distinctive elements of Mendon’s heritage;
2- Foster civic pride in accomplishments of the past;
3- Protect and enhance Mendon’s attractiveness to visitors and residents.

After spending 3 years cataloging sites, recent times have been spent contacting owners of historic homes/buildings/sites to explain and offer them a chance to designate their property as a “local landmark”. Many owners worry they may have unreasonable restrictions placed upon them. This is not true. We require no more than what an owner would reasonably expect in maintaining their own property in good condition.

Once a home/building is officially designated as historic, it generally only requires that the exterior be preserved in its historic character. The interior usually can be altered to suit the owner’s own taste, so the place can be used or lived in and enjoyed as it always has been.

Once designated, a property owner will receive a plaque (suitable for mounting on the building’s exterior) noting that the building is a “local landmark”. Also the owner can obtain a written history of the place from the Town Historian.

Therefore, if you believe your home, building or site has some significant historic character, or of an architectural style worth preserving, or perhaps associated with an important national or local personage, we’d like to discuss our program with you.

If you are interested in discussing this program with us, contact Town Clerk, Jim Merzke at 16 West Main St, Hon. Falls, NY 14472 (ph 624-6060) or email A.J. Leckie

©2025 Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel

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