The Village of Scottsville Board of Trustees is currently enacting and facing a number of vote decisions impacting the community in terms of fiscal investment, resident fees, and finally, code changes.

Last month the five-member board authorized bond resolutions in the amount of just over $600,000 for the purchase of a replacement garbage truck, the purchase of a new radio system for the Scottsville Fire Department (SFD), and engineering work to cap a manhole cover at Oatka Creek (not Mill Creek as stated in the last public notice on this issue). The last item was approved at the November monthly meeting as a permissive referendum. This means that any resident interested in having the matter go before the public as a ballot item must start a petition and obtain signatures from registered voters in the village. This would need to be submitted prior to December 12th.

The November meeting also included discussion around adding an annual fee of $75 for the usage of any subsequent trash receptacle beyond the first provided at no-charge by the village to new residents. Historically residents could purchase a second barrel at the cost of $50 each (one-time); other residents inherited their additional barrel(s) from previous homeowners. Each village taxpayer and business should be receiving a letter detailing this fee which is slated for collection starting in 2019.

At the board’s next monthly meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, December 11th at 6:30 PM at the Wheatland Municipal Building, there are three items up for public hearing. These include:
At 7:00 PM, a public hearing to consider enacting Local Law #3-2018, to amend Chapter 54, Article III §54-26 Domesticated Chickens Subsection H. to allow six (6) chickens for an approved single-family dwelling.

At 7:15, PM, a public hearing to consider enacting Local Law #4-2018, to amend Chapter 170, Article II §170-6 Definitions.

At 7:30 PM, a public hearing to consider transferring $34,756.60, the money now held in the EMS General Purpose Reserve, into the Fire Equipment Reserve.

Item one (#3-2018) has been incubating in the minds of board members and residents since this past summer when a new village resident requested permission to house the six chicks that he and his family had been raising at their previous home in the city of Rochester. At that time, and currently, Scottsville residents are only permitted to raise three chicks. Should the matter fly at the board level, local law will align with New York State law that actually prohibits the sale of chicks in any quantity under six.

Next, item two, (#4-2018), is a modification to a definition(s) applied in village zoning laws. These can be reviewed at A copy of the proposed Local Law is available in the Village of Scottsville Office, 22 Main Street, during normal business hours.

Lastly, item three is in reference to the $254,000 purchase of new radio equipment for the SFD; should funds in the EMS reserve be moved to the fire equipment reserve, it will lower the overall bond issuance.

In addition to the regular meeting on December 11th, the village has scheduled a “bill pay” meeting for the following week, December 19th, at 6:00 PM. This meeting is open to the public and while its focus is on approving the release of funds for the payment of monthly bills, often other business matters are discussed depending on decisions made at the preceding week’s meeting.

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