Attendees at last year’s Day of Curiosity also enjoyed sharing a meal together. Photo provided by Sarah Williams
In “the spirit of Chautauqua” the West Bloomfield Congregational UCC church will honor its longstanding heritage of intellectual discernment and public entertainment by offering its 3rd Annual “Day of Curiosity,” say event coordinators. On Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., the church will host a series of expert presentations on an eclectic range of subjects including Mindfulness in Mindless Times, Eat Lovingly!, Cultivating
Indigenous Knowledge and Gratitude, Choose Your Own Climate Change Adventure, Artificial Intelligence, Poetic Expressions, The Story of 716 Wheels for Workers, Nature Communion, and Dances of Universal Peace. All presentations will be at the church, 9035 Routes 5&20 in West Bloomfield.
The Day of Curiosity event is secular, non-denominational and open to everyone, said event leader Laurel Nelson. “The day isn’t about religion, it’s about experiencing new ideas, cracking open your mind, having fun, and maybe making a new friend or two.”
The organizers’ faith and the church value curiosity as a way of building peace and more understanding in the world. Join them for an hour or a whole day packed with learning and interacting in body, mind, and spirit! A Vegetarian Lunch is included. Organizers encourage you to invite many friends! Online Registration is open through February 1st. A registration link can be found on the church website at wbccucc.org . You can register the day of the event, but some workshops may be full. Suggested donation $10-20 and a donation to the church’s HOPE Food Pantry if feasible, but no one will be turned away. For more information, check the church website or call 624-1313.