10% Tax Rate Cut For All Town And Village Residents

john-moffitt-colorMendon Town Supervisor John Moffitt presented the 2022 Town Budget at the September 13th meeting of the Mendon Town Board. The Town Supervisor’s proposed 2022 Town Budget totaling around $5.2 million, upholds a commitment to stand strong on fiscal responsibility and tax stability. His twelfth since taking office as Town Supervisor, Moffitt’s proposed 2022 Budget cuts overall spending, holds spending below inflation, successfully reduces borrowing, fully funds quality of life services, and redoubles his effort to cut the tax rate in 2018, resulting in a 10% cut to the tax rate for both Town and Village taxpayers.

“I am proud to submit a budget for 2022 that delivers a significant reduction in the property tax rate for our hard-working taxpayers in the Village and Town,” said Moffitt. “We are building on our strong foundation by utilizing forward-thinking budget practices, cost-saving measures, and strategic fiscal management. In 2022, we will overcome revenue gaps due to the pandemic, fully fund Town services, build a new Splash Park and Military memorial, and give residents a tax rate cut. Since I took office, my top priority has been to keep money in the pockets of our residents while still delivering high-quality Town services. I believe the 2022 Mendon Town Budget does just that – it lives within its means, strives to do more with less, and puts the interests of taxpayers first.”

Cuts the Tax Rate; Complies with State Property Tax Cap:

Residents in the Town of Mendon have one of the lowest property tax rates in Monroe County. The only Towns in Monroe County with a lower tax rate are Riga, which generates millions in revenue each year from a landfill, Henrietta which has a significant commercial tax base and no brush pick-up, and Perinton which also generates revenue each year from a landfill.

The New York State Property Tax Cap was implemented in 2011 in an effort to limit local government’s overall growth. While many towns in New York State have been forced to override the Property Tax Cap, the forward-thinking and fiscal discipline of the 2022 Town Budget puts the Town of Mendon in compliance with the Property Tax Cap.

Commitment to Deliver Quality-of-Life Services:

The 2022 Mendon Town Budget delivers on services that remain vital to the Town’s high quality of life. The budget increases funding for the Mendon Public Library and senior programs, and fully funds the Mendon Youth Center, Community Band, and the Historical Society. It also allocates funding for Hamlet Beautification, an annual Veterans Day Lunch, as well as future sidewalk projects.

New in 2022, the Town has budgeted for a Military memorial centered around a new Splash Park at Semmel Road that would honor the lives, memory, and sacrifice of the three New York State National Guardsmen who lost their lives in a UH-60 MEDEVAC Helicopter crash in the Town of Mendon. This project will be funded using Town reserves, which are the result of long-term budget strategies, and federal funding received by the Town through the American Rescue Plan.

“When it comes to providing high-quality services while remaining committed to a more efficient local government, I couldn’t ask for a better team,” said Moffitt. “I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Town Board Members Cynthia Carroll, Tom Dubois, John Hagreen, and Karen Jenkins, as well as our Town Clerk Jim Merzke and Highway Superintendent Andrew Caschetta. Together, we work to make the Town of Mendon a great place for all families to live and work.”

The Mendon Town Board will vote to establish the Preliminary 2022 Town Budget at the September 27th meeting. A public hearing will be set at that time, and a final budget vote is likely to take place in October.

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