The program on “Wildlife Rockstars” that closed the Summer Reading Program at Mendon Library proved popular as this photo shows. Submitted photo
Lots of reading, learning, and creating happened at the Mendon Public Library this summer as part of the Summer Reading Program. “A Universe of Stories!” was the theme of this summer’s program. More than 1,800 patrons took part in the specially planned programs, with more than 600 patrons reading over 2000 books. The youngest readers, measuring minutes read, logged over 36,000 minutes of reading!
“Rich the Magic Man” opened our Summer Reading Program with a crowd of over 100 patrons. The “Wildlife Rockstars” that closed our Summer Reading Program drew another 100+ crowd. The energy was high this summer at the library as attendance was up for our arts and crafts events, LEGO building sessions, science-based programs, and reading-based programs. With so many people in our library, we were thrilled to have the space afforded by the updated children’s area and reconfigured adult reading area. Our e-newsletter has over 500 subscribers and our social media presence continues to get the word out about all the exciting events happening at the Mendon Public Library.
Children under 11-years-old completed reading bingo boards each week and were rewarded with a lanyard and prize buttons, as well as museum passes and other gift cards. Teens submitted book reviews and four lucky winners (Henry Burke, Austin Coyle, Abigail Slisher, and Ivy Yates) took home a $25 Amazon Gift Card. Heather Warner won the adult prize for the adult book review drawing, a $50 gift card to HFMP/MMMP.
The Red Wings Ticket Winner for the Mendon Public Library was Adriana Abraham. Thanks to the generosity of a local patron, we were able to offer fantastic LEGO prizes to all our LEGO-Themed Story Times. We tried something new this year for our other Summer Reading Prizes. Each time a person attended a program, they were entered in our prize drawing. We had over 440 folks submit entries. Randomly selected winners were especially excited with their prizes: Genesee Country Village & Museum pass—Sadie A; The Strong Tickets – Nora, age 6; Seneca Park Family Pack – Louis, age 2; RMSC Family Pack – Everett, age 2; with additional prize winners – Emma, Barb, Cade, and Merrick.
The Mendon Public Library offers the Summer Reading Program to the community thanks to generous grants from Honeoye Falls Market Place, Mendon Meadows Market Place, M&T Bank, and support from the Friends of the Mendon Public Library. In addition, the library is incredibly thankful to all our fantastic volunteers. This year’s volunteers included adults Pat Seischab and Cathy Rawlins, and teens Ella Cronin, Kate Dailor, Ryan Dailor, Sean Dailor, Anna DeClerck, Grace DeClerck, Ellie Fairchild, Abby Garvey, Rachael Garvey, Maggie Grann, Piper Hulsey, Zainab Khan, Ginny Roth, Summer Sonricker, Riley Swetman, Emma Vullo, and Marry Vullo. Our program participants loved having the teen helpers at the events. Our presenters commented on how awesome the teen helpers were. And, our staff realizes that we couldn’t do what we do without our teen and adult helpers. THANK YOU!
Next summer’s program theme is “Imagine Your Story” based on fairytales, mythology, and fantasy.
Regularly scheduled story times, one-on-one technology help sessions, and other special events offered this fall are all highlighted at www.mendonlibrary.org and will be featured in our monthly e-newsletter.