Internship_PromoAd1bw_2017.crtrAs a member of the New York Press Association, the Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel is eligible to submit scholarship applications on behalf of students interested in working in the journalism field over the summer (see the ad in the lower right hand corner of the page). You can obtain the applications either on-line or via email directly from the Sentinel.

What Is The Scholarship Award?

According to the NYPA web-site: “The NYPA Foundation provides paid summer internships for college journalism students. Students must apply by March 1st of each year, and be accepted into the eight week program. Students should apply directly to the local community newspaper they wish to intern with, and be interviewed and accepted by an NYPA member newspaper. Students who are accepted into the program will earn a net stipend of $2,500 for the eight week internship.”

How Does The Scholarship Application Work?

Interested and eligible students should go to the web-site, select “Member Services” then click on “Internships.” The last sentence in the first paragraph says “Click here to download the Student Application form.” You can download the form from this site or, alternatively, you can contact us and we’ll email you the form. You’ll want to complete the application and send it to: Sentinel Publications, 3909 Rush Mendon Road, Mendon, New York 14506.

How Do I Get Published Writing Samples?

As part of your application, NYPA will need to see three samples of your published work. This could be for your school newspaper or it could be articles you’ve had published in the Sentinel. We are more than willing to help you fulfill this requirement. Contact our Editor Donna MacKenzie for more information.

How Do I Provide an Example of Spot News Reporting?

In addition to your three published writing samples, you will also need to submit a 200-300 word news story reporting on a current spot news event occurring in your community (this could be anywhere in the Sentinel coverage area or even your college community). This doesn’t need to be published. Again, contact our Editor Donna MacKenzie if you need help with this.

What is the Deadline for the 2017 Summer Internship Scholarship Application?

The Sentinel must receive your application by March 1, 2017.

When Will I Find Out If I am Awarded the Scholarship?

The final winners of this internship opportunity will be chosen by the NYPA Foundation Board of Directors, and interns will be notified by the end of March, 2017.

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