New 2021-2022 HF-M Rotary board members are (left to right): Ginny Floss, Amy Harris, Barry Kissack, Jeanine Lupisella, Ted Trybus, Linda Goodrum, Jeff Klein, Sheldon Boyce. Photo by Mark Spezzano

The Honeoye Falls-Mendon Rotary Club conducted its annual “pass the gavel” ceremony at the June 30th meeting. Members thank the 2020-2021 Board for their service to the Club and community, and welcome the incoming 2021-2022 Board: Jeff Klein (President), Ted Trybus (President Elect), Linda Goodrum (Past President/Literacy/Membership), Ginny Floss (Vice President), Jeanine Lupisella (Secretary), Barry Kissack (Treasurer/Website), Sheldon Boyce (Foundation Chair/Historian/Rules/Membership), and Amy Harris (Community Service/Public Relations). Here’s to another year of “service above self”!

Be sure to get a copy of this week’s edition of the Sentinel to see a photo of the passing the gavel ceremony on page 5.

©2025 Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel

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