From Rick Milne, Honeoye Falls Mayor:

In response to the corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak and in following Federal, State and County Guidelines: Effective March 17, 2020: The Village of Honeoye Falls will be suspending all nonessential operations until further notice. Meetings of the Village Board (post 3/16/20) will be held remotely and all committee meetings as well as Zoning Board of Appeals & Conservation Board meetings will determined on an as needed basis. Any meetings generally open to the public will either be suspended and rescheduled or will be held remotely with links for the general public.

  • The DPW staff will be split into two groups working limited hours and covering separate days each week.
  • The Village Office will be closed to all visitors and only essential persons will be staffing the office on a daily basis.
  • If a resident or business owner/customer needs to visit the office an appointment will need to be made. Making these appointments can be done in one of three ways, they are as follows:
  1. Call the Village Office (585-624-1711) and leave a message with the appropriate department.
  2. Send a Personnel Message (PM) to the Village Facebook page (Honeoye Falls, NY) and we will monitor those personnel messages.
  3. EMAIL the Village (

In the event of an emergency (aside from concerns regarding Covid-19) you may use the following numbers for direct calls.

For concerns regarding: Roadways, Sidewalks, Sewer and Storm water: Call Highway Superintendent/Building Inspector: David Ford @ (585-303-4901)
For questions regarding routine business Issues with the village or any other concerns: Call – Village Administrator: Brian Anderson (585-303-4900) or Mayor – Rick Milne – (585-202-7190)


Please practice social distancing, wash your hands thoroughly as often as possible and use sanitizer as often as possible as well. Practice sound personnel hygiene and cough/sneeze into your sleeve area or use tissues and dispose of properly.

As we move through what we believe to be uncharted territory for those alive today, in my discussions with many individuals each person has been astonished by how rapid the changes to the situation becomes every day. The corona virus (Covid-19) has been the focal point of most every mind and the changes to our community, to our daily lives and to what is rapidly becoming the “new normal” is baffling.

However, one thing that to me continues to show both the “metal” and caring of this community is the incredible amount of people that are saying, ‘How Can I Help?’ In my mind, this is one of the things that makes our greater Honeoye Falls community so great. Yes, we are all concerned, yes we have differing opinions but in times of need; people step forward to lend a helping hand. We are blessed. And because of this, we as a community will move through this span TOGETHER.

This past Sunday, I called a meeting of our community leaders or their representatives to get together to discuss the status of our emergency services, discuss what our respective communities are doing and simply to support the needs. Our local clergy was also invited and together we all had wonderful dialogue. We also discussed what we could possible do together to help those who may be in need. These needs vary and we hope to work with our local residents to gather food for those in need, help elderly with getting their groceries or meds., maybe there are those that can help with baby-sitting needs and the list goes on.

There are many things that local government can do, and there are areas that local government may not be able to be involved with. However, local government can aid in facilitating discussion and supporting where we can.

The Village of Honeoye Falls will do what it can to support the efforts. We will also work in tandem with the HFL School District, Town of Mendon and Town/Village of Lima to support one another if the need arises.

This is a difficult time….but a wonderful time to live in this community.

©2025 Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel

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