The logo for Livingston County’s Bicentennial. Photo courtesy of Livingston County
Be a Part of History!
The official anniversary kick-off date for the Livingston County Bicentennial is February 23, 2021. At 1:30PM on this date, the Board of Supervisors will have a Special Meeting for the Bicentennial at the Government Center. There will be limited seating to comply with state regulations so the public is encouraged to attend remotely.
As part of the program, we are asking county departments and people in the community to record a short video with your phone (maximum of 30 seconds) offering birthday greetings to the County upon this momentous occasion. The videos will be combined into a montage to be shown at the Board of Supervisors meeting. Some may also be posted individually throughout the Bicentennial year on the County’s YouTube channel and social media platforms.
In your message, be sure to introduce yourself (or group), add a brief comment on where you are filming from or your association with the area, and then offer your congratulations to the county upon its 200th birthday.
Please remember to speak clearly and slowly. Choose a background that reflects where you are. Examples include standing in front of your office, in a village park, along a main street, on the farm, etc. Be creative! All are welcome to participate, so feel free to share this with co-workers, friends, and family, whether they live in Livingston County or outside the area.
For video clips too large to email, please utilize We Transfer.com or another means of sending a large file.
Don’t waste time! The deadline for submissions is February 18, 2021 for the February 23 meeting, so start recording today and send videos to: historian@co.livingston.ny.us.
Videos received after the deadline may be posted periodically throughout the Bicentennial year on social media.