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Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day and for good reason. Nutritionally, it replenishes the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs that were consumed during the prior day’s activities and while you were sleeping. It helps to focus your mind and ensures you will be awake and alert for a productive day of work or school. Even the name is reflective of its purpose: it breaks the “fast” you began when you went to sleep hopefully eight or more hours prior.

The Boy Scouts of Troop 105, Chartered by the Mendon Fire Department, know quite a bit about maintaining a healthy body. Keeping their body physically fit is not only part of their Boy Scout Oath, physical fitness is a required component of every rank they advance through on their trail to Eagle. Thus, it is not surprising that Troop 105 will once again be hosting their annual Pancake Breakfast on March 25 and 26 at the Mendon Fire Department.

On both Saturday and Sunday morning, March 25 and 26 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, the Boy Scouts will be serving up heaping plates of hot pancakes, sausages, juice, milk, and coffee to help members of the community break their overnight “fast” and to properly greet the spring day. And since last year’s scratch made recipe was such a hit, the Boy Scouts will once again support the local community by purchasing and using locally made dairy and syrup products. This is made possible by the generous donations from Victor McDonald’s, Victor Wendy’s, Victor Walmart, Geneseo Walmart, Upstate Farms, and Trout Brook Sugarhouse.

So, if you’re looking to break your overnight fast with a friendly and courteous smile and enjoying some delicious scratch-made pancakes, then please support Troop 105 on March 25 and 26. The proceeds not only enable the boys to continue earning their ranks through camping and merit badges, but also enable the boys to give back to the local community through future service projects.

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