Sign welcomes patrons to Mendon Library. Photo provided by Mendon Libray

The Mendon Public Library continues to expand its services while keeping the safety of patrons and staff at the heart of our procedures. Patrons interested in browsing the stacks to check out items at the circulation desk should call the library at 624-6067 to schedule a time to come in for a 30-minute browsing appointment. Appointments are available during our open hours: Monday – Thursday, 9 am – 7 pm and Friday, 10 am – 3 pm. Capacity during open hours will be limited and all patrons must wear a mask, sign in and sanitize.

Additionally, the two study rooms are now open for patron use. The library’s study rooms may be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis for two hours. At this time, capacity in each of the study rooms will be limited to two to three people (quarantine circle, only). Patrons using the study rooms must wear a mask, sign in, and sanitize. The library is also requiring those that use the study rooms to keep the doors closed at all times and to sanitize the study rooms with Clorox Wipes when they are done. No food or drink is currently allowed in the library.

Materials for return should be deposited in our exterior bookdrop. The interior bookdrop is closed. All returned items will be quarantined for three days before they are returned. Library staff will account for quarantine when processing returns, so, if you returned the item on time, you will not be charged a fine.

The Mendon Public Library is moving away from offering curbside service and encourages everyone who can safely use the library to come in and select books and materials during our open hours by reserving a browsing time. A limited number of curbside orders will be processed when time allows.

System-wide hold service is up and running. Those placing holds will be notified by email when their hold has arrived at Mendon. To pick up your hold, simply schedule a browsing time or call from the parking lot to see if capacity restrictions allow for a quick pick up.

©2025 Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel

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