The new scoreboard for the HF-L swim teams. Photo by Donna MacKenzie
The HF-L Sports Boosters along with members of the HF-L community have donated three state of the art scoreboards for the HF-L School District just in time for the 2018 fall sports season. The Sports Boosters, a non-profit organization, made up of parent volunteers whose mission is to raise, support and donate funds has given back over $200,000 in support of the schools athletic programs over the past six years. This past year the Boosters approached the Athletic Department with a desire to do a large scale project for the school. The Athletic Department requested new scoreboards, two for outside multipurpose fields and one for the aquatic center. The old scoreboards, approaching 20 years in age, were not functioning well and their efficiency had declined.
Sports Boosters took on the project and reached out to local businesses, community members, youth sports groups and re-visited their own funding sources to obtain their goal.
The money for the scoreboards was raised in less than five months and the support of local businesses, youth and club teams and community families was essential to the success of the fundraiser. The Sports Boosters committee worked closely with the district to ensure the scoreboards met their requirements while also working independently to solicit competitive bids.
Sports Boosters would like to thank everyone who participated in the fundraising campaign for the new scoreboards. They look fantastic and are a welcome, brilliant addition to our athletic campus.
A very appreciative thank you for generous donations to the following organizations, businesses and families:

The new scoreboard at HF-L’s James Dollard Stadium. Submitted photo
HFL Sports Boosters Club
Honeoye Falls Marketplace
HFL Swim Club
HFL Youth Cougars Football
The Brassie Family
Honeoye Falls Pharmacy
Youth Lacrosse
HFL Blaze
The Emerson, Villanti, Lehning, Ruff, Sirvent, Hofmann, Rienke, Kryanik, Nestrick, Lambert and Yelenscic Families
HFL Cougar Hoops
The Sentinel
Glenn Douglas Construction
At Home With Wellness
Dipper Dan
Four Corners Eyecare and Optical
Honeoye Falls Lattimore Physical Therapy
And THANK YOU to all the other, over 25 families, who also contributed to the campaign for the scoreboards.
Sports Boosters is always looking for volunteers for the chow hut and for individuals who would like to help on the Board with specific activities. Please contact President Sam Villanti with questions regarding the board at SVillanti@utcretail.com and contact Lauri Hofmann regarding concessions or membership at hofmann65@yahoo.com