This is a photo of Shaun O’Brien in a ceremony to our Civil War Medal of Honor winner Charles Goheen. Shaun fired muskets as we performed our ceremony across the street. Photo by Deb Milne-O’Brien
The Honeoye Falls Post # 664 has been in existence for 100 years. Every Memorial Day we usually do three parades: one to the North Bloomfield Cemetery, one to the Mendon Cemetery and one to the Honeoye Falls Cemetery where we have the memorial.
On this occasion due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we held a private ceremony to honor our fallen heroes. We marched from the Post home to the memorial. We lined up and a small speech was recited honoring our fallen heroes and our current first responder heroes.
We then had a laying of a wreath by the Women’s Auxiliary, a rifle salute and Taps was played. We then played the Star Spangled Banner and finished with a cannon salute.
The members participating were Commander Wayne Menz, 1st Vice Commander John Connelly, Finance Officer Myron Lemperle, Dennis Roy, Jim Merzke, Harry Dehollander, Chaplin Wally Anderson, Don Menz, Adjutant Richard Gatto, Women’s Auxiliary Lynne Menz and Bugler Barry DeSain.
Honeoye Falls Post #664 is proud to serve the communities of Honeoye Falls, Mendon and surrounding communities. Our fund raising through poppy sales is used by our Honeoye Falls Post #664 to fund donations to worthwhile organizations like the Veteran’s Outreach Center. and our support of the local food cupboard enhances the general population of the area. Legion members thank Deric West and his family for the use of Honeoye Falls Market Place and Mendon Meadows Market Place to set up for the poppy sale.
We are dedicated to this community even during these tough times. Our members serve on the Marine Corp Counsel and volunteer at the Veteran’s outreach center. We also support other Legions in the area through volunteers and donations.