Attendees at the dedication of the Military Memorial in Mendon in honor of the fallen National Guardsmen check out the sculpture and other parts of the memorial after the ceremony. Photo by Peter Carosa
The Town of Mendon dedicated its “Dust Off” Military Memorial to three New York Army National Guard members on Sunday, June 11, during a moving ceremony.
Mendon resident Chief Warrant Officer 4 Christian Koch, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Steven Skoda and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Daniel Prial were killed when their Blackhawk UH-60 MEDEVAC helicopter crashed during a training mission on January 20, 2021 in a field on West Bloomfield Road. MEDEVAC is known by the radio callsign, DUSTOFF, and was first used in South Vietnam in 1963 because dust billowed up on takeoff and landing, hence the phrase “Dust Off” in the memorial’s name.
The town began making plans for a memorial to the fallen guardsmen later that year. A committee was formed and, with input from the Koch, Skoda and Prial families, a design and site were chosen for the memorial. Honeoye Falls’ sculptor Mary Taylor made the sculpture of three life-sized snow geese in flight as a lasting tribute to the three pilots. She researched the symbolism of various bird species and discovered some Native American and Celtic traditions described the snow geese as strong, family-oriented, disciplined and tenacious, she selected those birds to symbolize the three men. To northern Native American tribes, the goose is symbolic of cooperation. In the Celtic tradition, the wild goose is a Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, in addition to the dove.
The memorial is located on Semmel Road at Dreisbach Fields, which also has the recently-opened spray park in honor of Koch and some soccer fields. The site was chosen because it allows adults and children to learn about the men and their lives and reflect together.
Mendon Town Supervisor John Moffitt welcomed a huge crowd of people gathered at the dedication ceremony. American Legion Falls Post #664 presented the Colors and the Gates Keystone Club Police Pipes and Drums played “The Army Goes Rolling Along”. Honeoye Falls-Lima graduate Jonathan Stills sang the National Anthem, which was followed by the Gates Keystone Club playing Amazing Grace. After the introduction of elected officials, Adjutant New York Army National Guard Major General Ray Shields spoke. He was followed by Major Michael Jamieson, who spoke on behalf of the Skoda family, Susan Bock, who spoke on behalf of the Koch family and Greg Prial and Becky Prial-Fullam, who spoke for the Prial family.
American Legion Falls Post #664 gave a rifle salute and also played Taps. Colonel Douglas Brock, the New York National Guard State Chaplain gave the benediction.
The American Red Cross, Patriot Guard Riders and the Rochester Peacemakers Motorcycle Club also helped with the dedication ceremony.
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