Originally the Falls Hotel before becoming the Wilcox Hotel, 3 North Main St was converted to a Masonic Temple when it was purchased by the Masons in 1920. Union Star Lodge #320 held its first meeting there on Wednesday, November 17th, 1920, two days after the newly renovated building was reopened to the public. Photo by Scott May
The Sentinel received this note from Jacob Anderson that he asked us to pass on to our readers:
The members of Union Star Lodge No. 320, F&AM
as they celebrate a century in their Temple on North Main Street in Honeoye Falls!
Covid prevented this event from occurring in November of 2020, but these two extra years have given the brothers of this venerable lodge all the more time to plan for the gala event. Patterned after the festive balls, carnivals, and banquets hosted by the lodge in the early 1900s to raise money to purchase and renovate the hotel that would become their new temple, the occasion this November will be fun, memorable, and charitable.
There will be music, dancing, tours, and perhaps a view into the mysterious history of the nearly 200-year-old brick building. The event kicks off with the interment of the Union Star 2020 Time Capsule. The evening will be topped off with an old-fashioned Silent Auction to raise money for the local charities Union Star Lodge No. 320, F&AM has long supported.
Here are the details of the event:
Saturday, November 19, 2022
Union Star Masonic Temple
3 North Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY 14472*
Doors Open at 7:00PM
Internment of Time Capsule: 7:30PM
Silent Auction at 10:00PM
Ticket price: $19.20 (per person)/ $20.20 (per couple). Purchase them at: https://mhflsentinel.com/temple-centennial-2022/
Dress: Black-Tie (or dark suit)
* The event will take place on the 2nd & 3rd floor. Please note this historic building has no elevators.
If you’d like to contribute an item or items for the Silent Auction (cash or check only), please contact jacob.anderson1984@hotmail.com
Cash or check only for donations at the door.
Please contact us at jacob.anderson1984@hotmail.com with any questions!
In Generational Brotherhood,
Jacob Anderson, WM
Union Star Lodge No. 320, F&AM