Stay safe. Stay healthy.
Mount Morris, NY, April 16, 2021 — The VA Finger Lakes Healthcare System has cancelled the COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Mount Morris scheduled for April 17, 2021. The clinic would have been administering the one-shot Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine.
According to a statement on the VA website, “We’re following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance to pause in providing the Janssen vaccine at this time. This pause is due to a concern about possible rare side effects. Your safety is our top priority.
For more information, go to the CDC website. Read the CDC and FDA statement on the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine.
If you have a vaccine appointment scheduled, your VA health facility will work with you to determine what to do next.”
Julie Barry
Grants and Public Information Coordinator
Livingston County