This was the third year of the Festival At The Falls, which is sponsored by the Howard Hanna office in Honeoye Falls. More Pictures on Page 5. Sentinel Photo
HONEOYE FALLS, NY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 2024 – Fast becoming a perennial event, the Festival At The Falls enjoyed another excellent day. The rain forecast by most weather services held up until well after the last vendor packed up. The morning began bright and sunny as attendees started to arrive. By noon, the shows started at the gazebo and people sang and danced. By the end of the day, well over a hundred people walked their way through the dozens of booths featuring arts, crafts, and food.

New this year were the Witchy Women of the Finger Lakes, with the dance troupe all decked out for Halloween. It was a warm day, and one was left to wonder how hot these ladies got wearing their black costumes, several of whom also donned elaborate heavy wigs. They didn’t look uncomfortable as they were all smiles and left festival goers entertained. Sentinel Photo