Friends of Borgne, a Honeoye Falls based 501c3, ( ) will hold a fundraiser for the children in Borgne, Haiti on March 3, 2019.

Celebrate Mardi Gras/Carnival Fundraiser to Celebrate 10 Years of Supporting Borgne, Haiti sponsored by Friends of Borgne will be at Mendon Community Center, 167 North Main Street, Honeoye Falls on Sunday, March 3, 2019 from 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM.

It will feature food such as Haitian pork, Jambalaya, Rice and Beans, Mac and Cheese and more! In addition, there will be music, a silent auction, face painting, beads and masks.

There is a suggested donation of $10/person, $25/family. The group continues to support this community in Borgne, Haiti as they still suffer from lack of basic necessities to carry out everyday life. Education seems so vital for them and that’s what Friends of Borgne supports. Friends of Borgne has supported this town’s educational efforts for 10 years.

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