The seventh- and eighth-grade students at HF-L Middle School in the photos above and below were just some of the students in the HF-L school district who participated in the music solo fests last month. Both photos provided by Ken Goold
January is the month for solo festivals in music at the high school, junior high school/middle school and elementary levels and several Honeoye Falls-Lima students took part in those festivals.
In the high school vocal solo festival were Raegan Banker, Lita Brady, Claire Connors, Maeve Connors, Maylee Cross, Owen Dack, Peterah Deisenroth, Madison Fleming, Andy Fosler, Abby Fraser, Maggie Grann, Kaylee Henshaw, Paige Moscicki, Jenna Quinn, Amelia Somers and Ava Youngblut.
Eleven high school students performed in the High School Instrumental and Jazz Solo Fest. They were Ryleigh Abell, Edward Brown, Calvin Burke, Henry Burke, Claire Connors, Maeve Connors, Sarah McLaughlin, Aiden McLean, Andrew Stansbury, Nolan Tompsett and Tristan VanderVen.
HF-L Middle School seventh- and eighth-grade students participated in the Junior High Instrumental Solo Fest. They were Kellen Adams, Holden Allen, Mallory-Nicole Batz, Ben Bell, Betsy Burdett, Maisie Burdett, Linus Burke, Nathaniel Butler, Lily Caffrey, Peter Clayton, Tiger Comstock, Olivia Dack, Rylie Fenton, Brynn Forte, William Fowler, Allie Hawks, Milo Kittleson, Cora Koelsch, Madelyn Lloyd, Vivian Marshall, William McClean, Emma Nilson, Heather Parham, Smith Schaefer and Ella Vengoechea.
HF-L Middle School sixth-graders were involved in the Elementary Instrumental Solo Festival. They were Alyssa Gilbert, Arabella Grethel, Avery Bowley, Avery Pude, Bea Corey, Cailyn Mannigan, Elias Kittleson, Evan Khona, Gia Lombardozzi, Grayson Elmer, Hannah Brucato, Henry Lindsay, Hudson Kamm, Isaac Cromwell, Jackson Hawks, Jonah Lindsay, Julia Gilbert, Kate Lighthouse, Kathryn Fosler, Katie Hovinga, Lainey Blythe, Laura Bell, Lucas Tschiderer, Luke McClean, Lydia Kelly, Megan Charles, Miles Philips, Molly Zittel, Nolan Mueller, Olivia Lascell, Skylar Stevenson, Stella Schaefer, Violet Lewis, Vivian Tudhope and Willa Jones.
Manor School students taking part in the Elementary Instrumental Solo Festival were Carlyn Bartell, Madeline Cicero, Owen Darcy, James Francis III, Juliet Grethel, Evan Koelsch and Isaac Maxon.