Voters in the Honeoye Falls-Lima School District passed their proposed school budget proposition as did voters in the Wheatland-Chili, Avon and Bloomfield School Districts, but Pittsford’s proposed budget failed as it did not receive the “Super Majority” of 60 percent to override the tax cap limit.

HF-L’s proposal of $49,220,549 was approved 735-211. A proposition to purchase up to five school busses passed 734-216. Incumbents Amy West and Lawrence Young were re-elected and will be joined by newcomer Caralyn Ross, who will take over the spot of Janet Somes, who did not run for re-election, for the three spots on the school board.

In Wheatland-Chili, the only surprise was the defeat of incumbent board president Kim Snyder. Newcomer Beth Nolan received the most votes with 267. Incumbents Shanna Fraser received 227 votes and Courtney Panek 225 while Snyder had 208 in the four-way race for the three seats on the school board. The $18.4 million budget proposal passed 278-83. A school bus/dump truck purchase proposition passed 275-81. A proposal to establish a Facilities Capital Reserve Fund passed 281-76 and a school equipment capital reserve fund proposition passed 283-73.

Avon residents passed a proposed budget of $20.7 million 259-33. A proposition to buy school busses passed 252-36. A vehicle/equipment capital reserve fund proposition passed 254-38. A proposition on the Avon Free Library passed 251-39. Incumbents Robert DeBruycker and Rodney George were re-elected to the two spots on the school board.
In Bloomfield, voters passed the budget proposal 254-73. Pam Nakoski received 259 votes, Tonya McFadden 252 and Frank Young 250 all were re-elected.

In Pittsford, the proposed school budget of $134.2 million failed despite 3,687 voting for it while 3,207 voted no. Because the proposal included a 4.7 percent tax levy increase, which was well above the district’s tax cap of 2.7 percent, the proposal needed a “Super Majority” of 60 percent of the voters to pass it. District officials had stated that the increase was needed due to the proposed expansion of kindergarten to a full-day program, debt service and limited state aid. A school bus proposition did pass 4,968-1,902. Incumbents Kim McCluski (4,270 votes) and Ted Aroesty (3,500 votes) will be joined on the school board by newcomer Rene Sanchez-Kazacos (2,721) in a six-person race for the three board seats. Pittsford’s options are to reoffer the same budget or pare the proposal, either by cutting the full-day kindergarten proposal and making some changes elsewhere or keeping the kindergarten proposal and making cuts elsewhere. Officials said they are exploring the options. A second vote is scheduled for June 20.

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