Honeoye Fall-Mendon Historical Society Museum. file photo

The September 1 Meeting of the Honeoye Falls – Mendon Historical Society will feature Jane Oakes. The topic of her talk is “ Early Hop Production in the Genesee Country”
During part of the nineteenth century, New York was producing most of the hops in the United States. Subjects included in her talk are the growing of hops, the social aspect of hops. hop harvesting, how hops were used for brewing and medicine and the boom and bust of the local hops industry.

The Honeoye Falls area grew many hops, but the location of one large hops operation may surprise area residents.

Oakes has been involved with historical education for over 40 years, beginning as a teen volunteer at the Valentown Museum in Victor.  She has spoken to the society a number of times. Her research into local history has contributed to the placement of two structures in Livingston County on the National Register of Historic Places (The Avon Opera House and Avon’s five-arch bridge).  She holds a BS in Theater with a minor in Anthropology and a MA degree in History.

The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 1 at the Mendon Community Center, 167 North Main Street in Honeoye Falls. This facility is handicapped accessible. The meeting is open to the public. For information, call 624-5655.

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